CSCA Public Key CertificatesVatican City State - Holy SeeCSCA certifies both Document Signers (DS) and Security Object DS sign (SOD). This last one is stored in the e-document. The current certificate of the DS, which contains its own public key, is also included in the SODThe distinguished name of the CSCA is C=VA, O=HSVATICAN, OU=SEGSTAT, CN=CERTIFICATION AUTHORITY The CSCA key pair is used to issue Document Signer certificates. DER encoded certificates for the CSCA public keys can be found below. Certificate RolloverThe next rollover of the CSCA certificate is planned for 4 February 2028CURRENT main public keyMain Public Key Certificate (Certificate 15 March 2023) available as self-signed certificate, and as link certificate, verifiable by the previous public key:CURRENT SELF-SIGNED CERTIFICATE Fingerprint SHA1: 41 1c ca 9e 84 70 31 e9 c5 70 4d 8d e6 09 4b ac dc a8 cc 98 Subject DN: C=VA, O=HSVATICAN, OU=SEGSTAT, CN=CERTIFICATION AUTHORITY LINK CERTIFICATE Fingerprint SHA1: df 67 6f 8d 5b 1e 29 31 f4 57 c4 e6 68 7b 79 6a cf bc de ed Subject DN: C=VA, O=HSVATICAN, OU=SEGSTAT, CN=CERTIFICATION AUTHORITY PREVIOUS SELF-SIGNED CERTIFICATE Fingerprint SHA1: 09 76 95 3a ef 08 8c 9a df 30 10 91 a9 06 f6 f1 fb dd 0a ed Subject DN: C=VA, O=HSVATICAN, OU=SEGSTAT, CN=CERTIFICATION AUTHORITY Certificate Revocation List (CRL)The certificate revocation list is empty.It is valid until 13 March 2025. It can be downloaded from here: CSCA contactsSegreteria di Stato - Secretariat of State - Secrétairerie d'ÉtatUfficio del Protocollo - Protocol Office - Service du Protocole fax +39.06.698.48656 - E-mail: uffprot@sds.va PA.C.E. - SdS Officium |